the East Oriente: The greatest British colony in the East was India.

the Near East Oriente Próximo [including the Middle East]: There is a lot of tension in the Near East.

the Middle East Oriente Medio: Israel is in the Middle East.

the Far East el Lejano/Extremo Oriente

the West Occidente: the values of the West

the North/South Pole el Polo Norte/Sur

the Polar Circle el Círculo Polar: What’s the weather like beyond the Polar Circle?

the Arctic Circle el Círculo Polar Ártico

the Antarctic Circle el Círculo Polar Antártico

the northern hemisphere /ˌnɔːðən ˈhemɪsfɪə/ el hemisferio norte

the southern hemisphere /ˌsʌðən ˈhemɪsfɪə/ el hemisferio sur

the tropics los trópicos

tropical /ˈtrɒpɪkəl/ tropical: a tropical climate

the tropic of Cancer el trópico de Cáncer [in the northern hemisphere]

the tropic of Capricorn /ˈkæprɪkɔːn/ el trópico de Capricornio [in the southern hemisphere]: The tropics are situated between the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn.

the equator /ɪˈkweɪtə/ el ecuador on/at the equator en el ecuador: The equator divides the Earth into the northern and southern hemispheres.

equatorial /ˌekwəˈtɔːriəl, ˌiːkwəˈ-/ ecuatorial

latitude /ˈlætɪtjuːd/ la latitud: Latitude is a measurement of location south or north of the equator.

longitude /ˈlɒnʤɪtjuːd/ la longitud: Longitude is measured 180º both east and west of the prime meridian.

meridian /məˈrɪdiən/ meridiano: the Greenwich meridian

the prime meridian el meridiano cero

parallel /ˈpærəlel/ (also parallel of latitude) paralelo: The parallel of latitude is a curving line due to Earth’s spherical nature.