layer capa: Earth has four distinct layers.

the plates las placas: The plates cause mountains to rise where they push together.

plate tectonics las placas tectónicas [the scientific study of these plates, their movements and effects]: We're studying plate tectonics at school.

the crust la corteza: the crust of the Earth ^ the Earth's crust

the lithosphere /ˈlɪθəˌsfɪə/ la litosfera: The lithosphere consists mainly of about a dozen large plates.

lithospheric /ˌlɪθəˈsferɪk/ litosférico,-ca

the asthenosphere /əsˈθenəsfɪə/ la astenosfera [below the lithosphere]

the mantle /ˈmæntəl/ el manto: The Earth’s mantle is made of partially melted rock.

the outer mantle el manto externo

the inner mantle el manto interno

the core el núcleo

the outer core el núcleo externo

the inner core el núcleo interno