Bermuda /bəˈmjuːdə/ las Bermudas: He'd picked this spot to build his home for its commanding view of the treacherous reefs that ringed Bermuda. ^ a summer holiday in Bermuda
There have been many unexplained disappearances of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle.
Capri /kæpˈriː, kəˈpriː/ Capri: I love Capri because it is not a resort; it's a world apart.
Corsica /ˈkɔːsɪkə/ Córcega: Napoleon Bonaparte was born on Corsica.
Crete /kriːt/ Creta: He quit his job and moved his family to the Greek island of Crete.
Cyprus /ˈsaɪprəs/ Chipre: Along with Cyprus, several other countries are using solar power to cut the cost of electricity. ^ Cyprus was the mythological birthplace of Aphrodite.
Easter Island Isla de Pascua: Few archaeological monuments are as striking as the colossal statues of Easter Island ‒ the moai.
Greenland Groenlandia: On the west coast of Greenland, huge glaciers inch their way to the sea. ^ Greenland is the world's largest island.
Hawaii /həˈwaɪiː/; the Hawaiian Islands /həˈwaɪən/ Hawai; las Islas Hawai: The trip to Hawaii had been a graduation gift from my grandma. ^ They vacationed for two weeks in Hawaii.
Iceland Islandia: Once past Iceland, we followed the east coast of Greenland.
Madagascar /ˌmædəˈgæskə/ Madagascar: Madagascar broke away from Africa 165 million years ago. It became an island in the Indian Ocean.
Majorca Mallorca: During the voyage, the ship was diverted to Majorca.
Malta /ˈmɔːltə/ Malta: Last Saturday, he returned from a two-week trip to Malta.
Mauritius /məˈrɪʃəs, mɔː-/ Mauricio: The dodo was native to Mauritius.
Minorca (also Menorca) Menorca: This year we'll be taking our holidays in Minorca.
Sardinia /sɑːˈdɪniə/ Cerdeña: A wild and mountainous island with vast, white sandy beaches, Sardinia is one of the most exclusive holiday spots in the Mediterranean.
Sicily /ˈsɪsɪli/ Sicilia: Last-ditch attempts to save a town from lava flowing from Sicily's Mount Etna were postponed for a second day yesterday because of poor weather.
Sri Lanka /ˌsriːˈlæŋkə/ Sri Lanka: In Sri Lanka, thousands of families have moved from the countryside to the capital Colombo in search of a better life.
the Aleutian Islands /əˈljuːʃən, -ˈluː-/ las Islas Aleutianas: In 1741, explorers discovered large populations of sea otters and fur seals in the waters around the Aleutian Islands.
the Azores /əˈzɔːz/ las Azores: 1,300 kilometres away from the Portuguese coast are the Azores, a small group of islands which are entirely built of volcanic rock.
the Bahamas /bəˈhɑːməz/ las Bahamas: The coral reefs of the Bahamas are part of the third largest barrier reef system on Earth.
the Balearic Islands /ˌbæliˈærɪk/ (also the Balearics) las (Islas) Baleares: In the Middle Ages, the Balearics had a different allure. They held the key to strategic control of the sea lanes in the western Mediterranean.
the Canary Islands (also the Canaries) las (Islas) Canarias: They had chosen the sun of the Canaries to get away from it all. ^ The couple honeymooned in the Canaries.
the Caribbean /ˌkærɪˈbiːən, kəˈrɪbiən/ el Caribe: A major earthquake shook the Caribbean nation of Haiti.
the Cayman Islands /ˈkeɪmən/ (also the Caymans) las (Islas) Caimanes: The Caymans ‒ actually the tips of underwater mountains ‒ are surrounded by shallow reefs and then sheer walls that drop off thousands of feet to the ocean floor, appealing to divers.
the Comoros (Islands) /ˈkɒmərəʊz/ las Islas Comoras: The Comoros Islands are located in the Indian Ocean and were formed by volcanic activity.
the Falklands /ˈfɔːkləndz/ (also the Falkland Islands) las Malvinas: The European-educated, Argentine Nobel Prize winner Jorge Luis Borges likened the Falklands War to “two bald men fighting over a comb”.
the Fiji Islands /ˈfiːʤiː/ las Islas Fiji: We really enjoyed our three-week trip to the Fiji Islands.
the Galapagos Islands las Islas Galápagos: The unique fauna of the Galapagos Islands include marine, herbivorous iguanas and giant tortoises.
the Leeward Islands /ˈliːwəd/ las Islas de Sotavento: Young albatrosses on the Leeward Islands spend many days flapping their wings to exercise their muscles and develop their strength before they launch themselves into the air.
the Maldives /ˈmɔːldiːvz, -dɪvz, -daɪvz/ las Maldivas: The archipelago of the Maldives in the Indian Ocean consists of some 1,200 coral islands, of which around 200 are inhabited.
the Philippine Islands / the Philippines las Islas Filipinas / Filipinas: She spoke about the conditions faced by ordinary people in the Philippines.
the Seychelles /seɪˈʃelz/ las (Islas) Seychelles: Global warming is killing the magnificent coral reefs of the Seychelles, which have lured divers and snorkelers from around the world to that remote area of the Indian Ocean.
the Solomon Islands /ˈsɒləmən/ las Islas Salomón: In August 1942, a series of fierce naval battles began around the Solomon Islands in which the USA suffered heavy losses.
the Virgin Islands las Islas Vírgenes: She emigrated to the Virgin Islands but returned to the US after hurricane Hugo raked the islands.