(criminal) offence (in American English offense) delito: Breach of the obligation is treated as a criminal offence.

offend delinquir: Her brother keeps offending wherever he goes.

offender delincuente: Was the man a registered sex offender? ^ The offender is described as having a tanned complexion and short black hair.

felony delito mayor, delito grave: He was charged with various felony counts.

felon criminal: Steve was a known felon, on the run from justice.

commit an offence cometer un delito: She never thought she’d commit an offence.

minor offence delito menor: Littering is considered a minor offence.

misdemeanour falta: Depending on the value of the property stolen, shoplifting can be charged as a misdemeanour or as a felony.

serious offence delito serio: He was involved in a serious offence.

capital offence delito capital: There are many crimes in the US considered to be capital offences.

federal offense (American English) delito federal: Drug trafficking is a federal offense.

first offence primer delito: Sean committed his first offence at the age of 19.

second offence reincidencia: He will go to prison for his second offence.

offend again / re-offend reincidir: This may prevent them from having the opportunity to offend again.

persistent offender reincidente: What can we do to rehabilitate persistent offenders?

criminal delincuente, criminal: No one wants some dangerous criminal living next door.

(have) a criminal record (tener) antecedentes penales: I don’t have a criminal record. ^ They’ll check your criminal record before you are given the job.

criminology criminología: She has a degree in criminology.

criminologist criminólogo,-ga: Criminologists can help prevent future crimes.

informer delator,-ra: He was suspected of being an informer to the police.

inform on/against somebody (to somebody) delatar, denunciar, dar información sobre alguien (a alguien): They wanted him to inform on the drug dealers.

snitch/squeal on somebody (informal) delatar a alguien, cantar: If they find out you snitched on them, they’ll beat you to death.

snitch / squealer (informal) chivato,-ta, soplón,-na: I ain’t no snitch!