Albania Albania (noun/adjective Albanian albanés, -nesa): Albania is a mountainous country on the Balkan Peninsula north of Greece, across the Adriatic Sea from Italy. ^ Two Albanians were arrested after the robbery.
Belarus /ˌbeləˈruːs/ Bielorrusia (noun/adjective Belarusian /ˌbeləˈrusiənˌ -ˈruʃən/ bielorruso,-sa): The former Soviet republic of Belarus is hedging its bets on economic reform with a mixture of market moves and old-style administrative measures that makes Western analysts sceptical.
Belgium Bélgica (noun/adjective Belgian belga): He had an accident on a visit to Belgium.
Bosnia and Herzegovina (also Bosnia-Herzegovina /ˌbɒzniəˌhɜːtsəˈgɒvɪnə, -gəʊ ˈviː-/) Bosnia y Herzegovina: Ukrainian soldiers were deployed as part of the NATO-led peace-keeping force in Bosnia and Herzegovina. ^ Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Bulgaria Bulgaria (noun/adjective Bulgarian búlgaro,-ra): She left Bulgaria at the age of 20.
Croatia /krəʊˈeɪʃə/ Croacia (noun/adjective Croatian noun Croat /ˈkrəʊæt/ croata): Have you ever been to Croatia?
Denmark Dinamarca (noun/adjective Danish noun Dane danés,-esa): Icelanders were one of the poorest peoples in Europe when they achieved independence from Denmark in 1944. ^ a protest by fundamentalist Muslims outside the Danish Embassy in London
Estonia Estonia (noun/adjective Estonian estonio,-nia): The 1940 Soviet annexation of Estonia was deemed to be a violation of international law. ^ an Estonian immigrant
France Francia (noun/adjective French noun Frenchman/Frenchwoman francés,-cesa): If I decided to live in France, I would expect to speak French to survive in that culture. ^ The French love cheese and wine.
Finland Finlandia (noun/adjective Finnish noun Finn finlandés,-desa): In December 1917, with Russia in turmoil, Finland declared its independence. ^ Finnish tourists visiting Spain
Germany Alemania (noun/adjective German alemán,-na): He worked in Germany for 5 years.
Greece Grecia (noun/adjective Greek griego,-ga): In ancient Greece, men were supposed to get married by the age of 30. If they didn't, they were banned from watching the popular nude athletic events. ^ She had only lately arrived from her native Greece.
Hungary Hungría (noun/adjective Hungarian húngaro,-ra): As well as being a most beautiful country, with a very pleasant summer climate, Hungary is most interesting for its history and unique and engaging inhabitants. ^ The guy only spoke Hungarian.
Ireland Irlanda Irish irlandés,-desa: The Great Famine of the late 1840s is the single most catastrophic event in Irish history.
Italy Italia (noun/adjective Italian italiano,-na): She met her husband in Italy 15 years ago.
Latvia Letonia (noun/adjective Latvian letón,-na): In 2004, I went to teach English in Latvia.
Liechtenstein /ˈlɪktənstaɪn/ Liechtenstein (noun Liechtensteiner habitante de Liechtenstein): Liechtenstein is a tiny country located between Switzerland and Austria.
Lithuania /ˌlɪθjuˈeɪniə/ Lituania (noun/adjective Lithuanian lituano,-na): It was his first visit to Lithuania.
Luxembourg /ˈlʌksəmbɜːg/ Luxemburgo (noun Luxembourger luxemburgés,-esa): The historic quarters and fortifications of Luxembourg's thousand-year-old capital were named a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1994.
Macedonia Macedonia (noun/adjective Macedonian macedonio,-nia): Macedonia is a beautiful country, green and mountainous, with acres of lush landscape.
Malta Malta (noun/adjective Maltese maltés,-esa): They spent their holidays in Malta.
Moldova Moldavia (noun/adjective Moldovan moldavo,-va): He told me that the wealthiest in Moldova had often prospered from the “shadow economies”. ^ We met a Moldovan.
Montenegro Montenegro (noun Montenegrin montenegrés,-gresa): I quickly learned that the Montenegrins and the Greeks are equally insane about food, except the Montenegrins are a little more enthusiastic about their meat.
the Netherlands los Países Bajos, Holanda (noun/adjective Dutch holandés,-desa): Around 140,000 Jews lived in the Netherlands before the 1940-1945 Nazi occupation.
Norway Noruega (noun/adjective Norwegian /nɔːˈwiːʤən/ noruego,-ga): These black-metal boys hail from Norway, but the band is named after a stretch of Icelandic lava fields.
Poland Polonia (noun/adjective Polish noun Pole polaco,-ca): Poland mourned its president and other leaders who were killed in a weekend plane crash in Russia in 2010.
Portugal Portugal (noun/adjective Portuguese portugués,-guesa): I was born in Portugal so I speak Portuguese fluently. ^ At the party, he met a young woman from Portugal.
Romania/Rumania Rumanía (noun/adjective Romanian/Rumanian rumano,-na): Although the whole population of Romania is poor, the Gypsy areas are entrenched in poverty and unsanitary conditions that reach truly inhumane proportions.
Russia Rusia (noun/adjective Russian ruso,-sa): We could not travel with him to Russia yet, because he had neither a passport nor the visa required to cross a border.
Serbia Serbia (noun/adjective Serbian serbio,-bia): When the West imposed sanctions on Serbia in 1992, all flights from Belgrade stopped, as you know. ^ the Serbian conflict
Slovakia Eslovaquia (noun/adjective Slovakian eslovaco,-ca): His father works in a factory in Slovakia and has yet to come to the United States to see his son play a game.
Slovenia Eslovenia (noun/adjective Slovenian esloveno,-na): The avid spelunker has explored caves all over the United States. In 2003, he traveled to Slovenia, which boasts more than 7,000 caves ‒ the most per square foot of any country in the world.
Spain España (noun/adjective Spanish noun Spaniard español,-la): She loved her visit to Spain.
Gladiator (2000)
“Who is he?”
“They call him ‘The Spaniard’, sire”
Sweden Suecia (noun/adjective Swedish noun Swede sueco,-ca): He was the main editor of a daily newspaper in Sweden that doesn't exist any more. ^ I met a Swedish model.
the Czech Republic la República Checa (noun/adjective Czech checo,-ca): He denounced the Prunrov power station as the Czech Republic's biggest polluter.
Turkey Turquía (noun/adjective Turkish noun Turk turco,-ca): Turkey is a member of NATO.
Ukraine Ucrania (noun/adjective Ukrainian ucraniano,-na): Ukraine was invaded by the Russian army in 2022.