Albania Albania (noun/adjective Albanian albanés, -nesa): Albania is a mountainous country on the Balkan Peninsula north of Greece, across the Adriatic Sea from Italy. ^ Two Albanians were arrested after the robbery.

Belarus /ˌbeləˈruːs/ Bielorrusia (noun/adjective Belarusian /ˌbeləˈrusiənˌ -ˈruʃən/ bielorruso,-sa): The former Soviet republic of Belarus is hedging its bets on economic reform with a mixture of market moves and old-style administrative measures that makes Western analysts sceptical.

Belgium Bélgica (noun/adjective Belgian belga): He had an accident on a visit to Belgium.

Bosnia and Herzegovina (also Bosnia-Herzegovina /ˌbɒzniəˌhɜːtsəˈgɒvɪnə, -gəʊ ˈviː-/) Bosnia y Herzegovina: Ukrainian soldiers were deployed as part of the NATO-led peace-keeping force in Bosnia and Herzegovina. ^ Sarajevo is the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Bulgaria Bulgaria (noun/adjective Bulgarian búlgaro,-ra): She left Bulgaria at the age of 20.

Croatia /krəʊˈeɪʃə/ Croacia (noun/adjective Croatian noun Croat /ˈkrəʊæt/ croata): Have you ever been to Croatia?

Denmark Dinamarca (noun/adjective Danish noun Dane danés,-esa): Icelanders were one of the poorest peoples in Europe when they achieved independence from Denmark in 1944. ^ a protest by fundamentalist Muslims outside the Danish Embassy in London

Estonia Estonia (noun/adjective Estonian estonio,-nia): The 1940 Soviet annexation of Estonia was deemed to be a violation of international law. ^ an Estonian immigrant

France Francia (noun/adjective French noun Frenchman/Frenchwoman francés,-cesa): If I decided to live in France, I would expect to speak French to survive in that culture. ^ The French love cheese and wine.

Finland Finlandia (noun/adjective Finnish noun Finn finlandés,-desa): In December 1917, with Russia in turmoil, Finland declared its independence. ^ Finnish tourists visiting Spain

Germany Alemania (noun/adjective German alemán,-na): He worked in Germany for 5 years.

Greece Grecia (noun/adjective Greek griego,-ga): In ancient Greece, men were supposed to get married by the age of 30. If they didn't, they were banned from watching the popular nude athletic events. ^ She had only lately arrived from her native Greece.

Hungary Hungría (noun/adjective Hungarian húngaro,-ra): As well as being a most beautiful country, with a very pleasant summer climate, Hungary is most interesting for its history and unique and engaging inhabitants. ^ The guy only spoke Hungarian.

Ireland Irlanda Irish irlandés,-desa: The Great Famine of the late 1840s is the single most catastrophic event in Irish history.

Italy Italia (noun/adjective Italian italiano,-na): She met her husband in Italy 15 years ago.

Latvia Letonia (noun/adjective Latvian letón,-na): In 2004, I went to teach English in Latvia.

Liechtenstein /ˈlɪktənstaɪn/ Liechtenstein (noun Liechtensteiner habitante de Liechtenstein): Liechtenstein is a tiny country located between Switzerland and Austria.

Lithuania /ˌlɪθjuˈeɪniə/ Lituania (noun/adjective Lithuanian lituano,-na): It was his first visit to Lithuania.

Luxembourg /ˈlʌksəmbɜːg/ Luxemburgo (noun Luxembourger luxemburgés,-esa): The historic quarters and fortifications of Luxembourg's thousand-year-old capital were named a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1994.

Macedonia Macedonia (noun/adjective Macedonian macedonio,-nia): Macedonia is a beautiful country, green and mountainous, with acres of lush landscape.

Malta Malta (noun/adjective Maltese maltés,-esa): They spent their holidays in Malta.

Moldova Moldavia (noun/adjective Moldovan moldavo,-va): He told me that the wealthiest in Moldova had often prospered from the “shadow economies”. ^ We met a Moldovan.

Montenegro Montenegro (noun Montenegrin montenegrés,-gresa): I quickly learned that the Montenegrins and the Greeks are equally insane about food, except the Montenegrins are a little more enthusiastic about their meat.

the Netherlands los Países Bajos, Holanda (noun/adjective Dutch holandés,-desa): Around 140,000 Jews lived in the Netherlands before the 1940-1945 Nazi occupation.

Norway Noruega (noun/adjective Norwegian /nɔːˈwiːʤən/ noruego,-ga): These black-metal boys hail from Norway, but the band is named after a stretch of Icelandic lava fields.

Poland Polonia (noun/adjective Polish noun Pole polaco,-ca): Poland mourned its president and other leaders who were killed in a weekend plane crash in Russia in 2010.

Portugal Portugal (noun/adjective Portuguese portugués,-guesa): I was born in Portugal so I speak Portuguese fluently. ^ At the party, he met a young woman from Portugal.

Romania/Rumania Rumanía (noun/adjective Romanian/Rumanian rumano,-na): Although the whole population of Romania is poor, the Gypsy areas are entrenched in poverty and unsanitary conditions that reach truly inhumane proportions.

Russia Rusia (noun/adjective Russian ruso,-sa): We could not travel with him to Russia yet, because he had neither a passport nor the visa required to cross a border.

Serbia Serbia (noun/adjective Serbian serbio,-bia): When the West imposed sanctions on Serbia in 1992, all flights from Belgrade stopped, as you know. ^ the Serbian conflict

Slovakia Eslovaquia (noun/adjective Slovakian eslovaco,-ca): His father works in a factory in Slovakia and has yet to come to the United States to see his son play a game.

Slovenia Eslovenia (noun/adjective Slovenian esloveno,-na): The avid spelunker has explored caves all over the United States. In 2003, he traveled to Slovenia, which boasts more than 7,000 caves the most per square foot of any country in the world.

Spain España (noun/adjective Spanish noun Spaniard español,-la): She loved her visit to Spain.

Gladiator (2000)

“Who is he?”

“They call him ‘The Spaniard’, sire”

Sweden Suecia (noun/adjective Swedish noun Swede sueco,-ca): He was the main editor of a daily newspaper in Sweden that doesn't exist any more. ^ I met a Swedish model.

the Czech Republic la República Checa (noun/adjective Czech checo,-ca): He denounced the Prunrov power station as the Czech Republic's biggest polluter.

Turkey Turquía (noun/adjective Turkish noun Turk turco,-ca): Turkey is a member of NATO.

Ukraine Ucrania (noun/adjective Ukrainian ucraniano,-na): Ukraine was invaded by the Russian army in 2022.