the Alps los Alpes: Travelers today can cross the Alps in less than a day thanks to the excellent highways and railroads.

Alpine /ˈælpaɪn/ alpino,-na: Alpine roads

the Andes /ˈændiːz/ los Andes: the ancient civilizations of the Andes

Alive (1993), a movie based on a true story, is set in the Andes.

Andean /ænˈdiːən, ˈændiən/ andino,-na: the Andean Community of Nations

the Apennines /ˈæpənaɪnz/ los Apeninos: By this time they were fighting hard up the Italian peninsula on one or other side of the Apennines.

the Appalachians /ˌæpəˈleɪʃənz, ˈ-ʧənz/ (also the Appalachian Mountains) los Apalaches: His family moved to Charlotte, North Carolina, a few hours away from the Appalachians.

the Atlas Mountains el Atlas, la cordillera del Atlas: It was a very long journey right across the Atlas Mountains and down to the edge of the desert.

the Balkan Mountains /ˈbɔːlkən/ los Balcanes: The Balkan Mountains are crossed by about 20 passes. ^ They experienced the long, severe winter of the Balkan mountains.

the Carpathian Mountains / the Carpathians /kɑːˈpeɪθiənz/ los Cárpatos: Brasov is a city at the foot of the Carpathians. ^ She lived in a castle in the Carpathian Mountains.

the Himalayas / the Himalaya /ˌhɪməˈleɪə/ el Himalaya: I took out a bank loan for my first expedition to the Himalayas.

Himalayan /ˌhɪməˈleɪən/ himalayo,-ya

The Yeti, also known as the Abominable Snowman, is believed to live in the Himalayan mountains.

the Pennines /ˈpenaɪnz/ los Peninos [sometimes called the backbone of England ]: The Pennines presented the most formidable obstacles of all to the canals, but even they were successfully overcome.

the Pyrenees /ˌpɪrəˈniːz/ los Pirineos: He was born and raised in the foothills of the Pyrenees. ^ a holiday in the Pyrenees

Pyrenean /ˌpɪrəˈniːən/ pirenaico,-ca: a Pyrenean mountain road

the Rocky Mountains (also the Rockies) las Montañas Rocosas: As is usual in the Rockies in the summertime, thunderclouds started building in the afternoon.

The 1993 movie Cliffhanger, starring Sylvester Stallone, takes place in the Rocky Mountains.

the Urals /ˈjʊərəlz/ (also the Ural Mountains) los Urales: Four firemen were killed and three seriously injured by a series of explosions at a Russian chemical plant in the Urals.


a mountain of something / mountains of something montones de algo: He had mountains of books.

if the mountain will not come to Muhammad, Muhammad must go to the mountain (saying) si la montaña no viene a Mahoma, Mahoma debe ir a la montaña: Well, here I am! As they say, if the mountain will not come to Muhammad...

have a mountain to climb (British English) tener mucho trabajo por delante: If we lose, we shall have a mountain to climb.

make a mountain out of a molehill ahogarse en un vaso de agua, hacer una montaña de un grano de arena: He advised me not to make a mountain out of a molehill.

move mountains (to do something) remover cielos y tierra (para conseguir algo): It is her vision, energy and passion that engage people and move mountains.