the Bering Strait el estrecho de Bering: At that time Alaska was connected to Asia by a land bridge across the Bering Strait.
the Straits of Dover /ˈdəʊvə/ el estrecho de Dover: Britain became cut off from the Continent at the Straits of Dover around 6,500 BC.
the Straits of Gibraltar /ʤɪˈbrɔːltə/ el estrecho de Gibraltar: Many birds ensure that they cross the Mediterranean at its narrowest point, the Straits of Gibraltar.
the Strait of Magellan /məˈgelən/ el estrecho de Magallanes: the cold, restless ocean near the Strait of Magellan
Ferdinand Magellan was killed in the Philippines in 1521, while on a voyage to accomplish the first circumnavigation of the earth.