In order of proximity to outer space

the exosphere /ˈeksəˌsfɪə/ la exosfera: The exosphere is the uppermost layer of the atmosphere.

the thermopause /ˈθɜːməpɔːz/ la termopausa: The boundary between the thermosphere and the exosphere above is called “the thermopause”.

the thermosphere /ˈθɜːməsfɪə/ la termosfera: Many satellites orbit within the thermosphere.

the ionosphere /aɪˈɒnəsfɪə/ la ionosfera: electrical activity in the ionosphere

the mesopause /ˈmesəpɔːz/ la mesopausa

the mesosphere /ˈmesəsfɪə, ˈmiː-/ la mesosfera: The mesosphere is located about 50 to 85 kilometres above the Earth’s surface.

the stratopause /ˈstrætəpɔːz/ la estratopausa: Throughout the mesosphere, temperatures begin to fall from the peak reached at the stratopause.

the stratosphere /ˈstrætəˌsfɪə/ la estratosfera: Ozone is present in a small quantity in the stratosphere.

the tropopause /ˈtrɒpəpɔːz, ˈtrəʊ-/ la tropopausa: The tropopause lies higher in the tropics than at the poles.

the troposphere /ˈtrɒpəsfɪə, ˈtrəʊ-/ la troposfera: Our planet’s weather occurs in the troposphere.